Xenopedia (Up to 2260)

Created by Captain Aidan Rackham on Wed Apr 15th, 2015 @ 1:15pm

FOP members are marked with a * after their name.


    Also known as Therbians, these are a hairless species with pale yellow skin and humanoid features. Aaamazzara orbits Epsilon Serpentis in the Alpha Quadrant. It is 70.3 light years away from Earth. Everything on the planet is bio-chemically produced from their mouths, including clothing and furniture. They are members of the United Federation of Planets.

    The Aenar physiologically is very similar to the Andorians, which is reflected in their genome. Like Andorians they have two antennae sprouting from their heads, although the antennae of the Aenar have small indentations in the funnel shaped tips. The Aenar are completely blind, yet had the ability to "see". They possess no skin or hair pigment, resulting in a pale white appearance similar to Human albinos. The most distinctive trait of the Aenar, however, is their highly evolved telepathic abilities. An Aenar is capable of reading minds and of psychically projecting itself to other humanoids. They use telepathy to communicate amongst themselves. The Aenir are genetically compatible with Andorians. Such hybrids have a greenish hue to their skin.

    The Aenar of the 22nd century live in an underground compound on Andoria, shielded by a dampening field. The Aenar had no leader, but would appoint a de facto leader, or speaker, if a situation warranted it. Aenar has a strict law against reading the minds of other people without prior consent. They have a strictly pacifist ideology, and deplore violence.

    A pre-industrial humanoid civilization that despite their low level of technology possessed amazing medicinal and forensic advances. In appearance they greatly resembled humans aside from a bony ridge that runs from brow to hairline centered over both eyes. Known weakness to tetracyanate 622. Their homeworld is known simply as the Akaali Homeworld.

    Andorians are a humanoid species with blue skin and antennae and silver hair. They consider themselves a warrior race, in contrast with the pacifist Aenar who also live on Andoria. They are native to the moon Andoria, which orbits the planet Andor. They are a founding member of the United Federation of Planets.

    Andorians, with a higher metabolic rate than Terrans, were especially vulnerable to phase pulse infection; even minor phase injuries can prove fatal. However, they have demonstrated resistance to a wide range of environmental conditions. In a climate where the temperature is near the boiling point of water, an Andorian could still thrive, despite losing 10% of their body weight in two days. Andorians are a militaristic race, exemplified in small part by weaponry without stun settings. They consider it an honor to serve in their Imperial Guard, and military rank greatly influenced social reputation. Deploring dishonesty -- and never fighting without reason -- Andorians are nonetheless capable of duplicity. They consider themselves deeply emotional, passionate, even violent; not known for their charity or sympathy, they placed a high value on family.

    A crucial part of Andorian tradition is Ushaan, a code of honor demanding a duel to the death, with combatants pitted against one another using an ushaan-tor iceminer's tool. A vast body of regulations -- up to 12,000 amendments -- bound this code. Such a fight could be called off if one combatant disabled the other enough to prevent its continuance. Though Ushaan could be called by someone to avenge a personal loss, there existed a right of substitution wherein each combatant could offer up a replacement; and married combatants could postpone duels indefinitely if they had no children to continue their clans.

    The Antarans are an humanoid with a lifespan of at least 60 years upon reaching adulthood. Antarans have been at war with the Denobulans several times, the last conflict of which took place in the 19th century. However, Antarans continued to strongly dislike Denobulans until at least the 2150s, even though encounters between the two species were extremely rare. This behavior is due to widespread prejudices, as every Antaran was taught from childhood that all Denobulans are enemies to be feared and reviled. From the planet Denobula Triaxa.

    Arcadians are distinguished from most humanoids by their broad, enlarged heads with two parallel lines of hair running front to back on the top outer edges of the cranium. In contrast, the bodies of Arcadians are slim and delicate. Their noses protruded very little from the face and their ears were large and pointed. They have wide-set eyes that were particularly brightly colored, and did not have eyebrows. They are members of the United Federation of Planets with a representative on the Federation Council in the late 23rd century. They are from the planet Arcadia.

    They are members of the Federation. Ardanans were very famous for their anti-gravitational city, named Stratos, which floated in the sky. They are also known for their export of zenite. Their society has evolved two castes, the Stratos city-dwellers who devoted themselves purely to art and culture, and the surface-based Troglytes.

    City-dwellers ruled the planet from Stratos trough a council existing solely of their class, justifying the total suppression of the Troglytes based on the widely held belief that as an inferior species the Troglytes were incapable of advanced culture like there existed on Stratos.

    Arcturians are known for their clones which have the appearance of melted skin and hail from the densely populated world Arcturas.

    Outwardly identical to Humans, the Argelian race is known for its hedonistic, peace-loving nature, which was acquired after undergoing a period in Argelian history known as the Great Awakening circa the 2060s, which fundamentally reformed their society from violent to placid. Since the Great Awakening, the Argelians have adopted a pacifist way of life, deploring any form of violence. Some Argelians possess psychic powers, but it is not a common characteristic to their race. This pleasure-loving culture makes it necessary to import administrative officials from other worlds to maintain order.

    The Arin'Sen are a pale-skinned humanoid species with a ridge running along their necks, vertical stripes running along their heads and two circular parts of the head next to the ridges. They hail from the planet Ario.

    Ariolo are a humanoid species and members of the United Federation of Planets. Ariolo have a tough, almost leathery skin that is usually a dark grey or brown in color. They have angular heads that slope upwards from a low forehead to the rear of the cranium. The jaw is angled down so that the mouth, which reverses the angular pattern to slope upward away from the line of the jaw and forehead, protrudes slightly away from the face.

    The Arkonians are a humanoid species native to the Alpha Quadrant. Arkonians did not appear to have sweat glands, and their bodies' hydration system is not based on water. Instead they drink a brown liquid that they call "tarratt-aash". Their saliva has healing properties, as it can quickly repair skin abrasions. Their cellular structure is not capable of handling rapid temperature changes. In the early-2050s, the Arkonians achieved warp capability. The Vulcans soon made First Contact with them, but it wasn't incredibly successful. They proved to be suspicious and deceitful, and the Vulcans were soon recalled.

    For more than a century after that, the Arkonians and the Vulcans had rocky relations. Arkonia destroyer captains would be wary of any ship that had even a single Vulcan on it. The Arkonians homeworld is in Alpha or Beta quadrant. The name of the planet is not known.

    Humanoid creatures with slightly upturned noses, deepset eyes and multiple sets of lightly furred tails. They are members of the Federation, though no name has been given to their homeworld.

    Aurelians are a bipedal, avian race from the planet Aurelia. They stand taller than most Humans, and have bright yellow feathers and blue eyes, but have been known to vary widely into even grays and blacks. Although resembling birds, the Aurelians do have humanoid arms and legs, and are perfectly capable of using devices like a tricorder. They have wings, though it is unknown if they can be used for flight. The Aurelians do not wear clothes. They haul from the planet Aurelia and are members of the UFP.

    The Axanar were an androgynous humanoid species with an average life span of 400 years, native to the planet Axanar. The Axanar have green blood. Their body produces triglobulin from its zymuth gland. This substance has medical and aphrodisiac properties, and is used by a number of different species for those purposes. Some even forcefully "harvest" Axanar for their triglobulin. The Axanar apparently prefer a nitrogen-methane atmosphere.

    The B'Saari are an intelligent spacefaring species, native to the planet B'Saari II. They were the first sentient species with whom the Denobulans made contact with prior to the 19 century AD. Before this encounter, most Denobulans had believed themselves to be the only intelligent species in the galaxy. Some refused to believe otherwise even with evidence to the contrary standing before them.

    The B'Saari had a technique for reviving the dead not unlike the procedure done in the Earth film Frankenstein, although the revived weren't capable of more than basic neural and metabolic functions.

    Bolians were distinctively known for a bifurcating (cartilaginous) ridge running vertically along the center of the head and face, and partway down the chest. Skin color ranged from blue-gray to vivid blue and was occasionally accented with dark blue bands on the head. Bolian males were completely bald, were on average as tall as the average Human male, and were not known for their physical prowess. Male Bolians have been known to wear toupes on occasion. Bolian females were predominantly bald. However, there were the occasional few who had hair.

    In addition to the ridge on their heads, they were also noted for having cartilaginous lining on their tongues that allowed them to consume foods not normally palatable by other races, including strong acids. One such example of traditional Bolian cuisine was the consumption of meat that had been allowed to partially decay.

    During the 22nd century, the Bolians had limited contact with the Ferengi. The Bank of Bolias was the primary financial institute of the Bolians and many off-worlders. Fluctuations in Bolian currency played an important role in Alpha Quadrant trade. A Bolian medical philosophy on euthanasia was developed during their Middle Ages known as the "double effect" principle. This form of assisted suicide states that "an action that has the principal effect of relieving suffering may be ethically justified even though the same action has the secondary effect of possibly causing death."

    Bolian courtship initiation consisted of a male and female Bolian pressing foreheads with eyes closed, while both participants touched the neck of their partner with both hands, placing the fingers where one would check the pulse of a species with a circulatory system similar to that of humans. Bolian marriages sometimes involved more than two members. Any additional spouse was referred to as a "co-husband" or "co-wife", respectively. During a pregnancy, they believed that if one gives birth near a warp core, the experience improved the baby's disposition. Bolian individuals tended to be highly outspoken, even when it was not requested. Due to the "good nature" personality types often perceived in Bolians, they were often accustomed to working in various service professions. A form of greeting involved extending the hand as if for a human handshake, but with the palm down and the fingers curved part way. Bolians come from Bolarus IX.

    The Borothans were a humanoid civilization. Borothan pilgrims are among those who worship the Great Plume of Agosoria. Borothans were generally a good natured and generous people. They are tan skinned with thorny ridges growing from the natural lines of body planes.They hail from planet Boroth.

    The Boslics were a neutral, spacefaring humanoid race. The Boslics had at least two distinct morphologies to their appearance. One type of Boslic had a smooth forehead and brow that brimmed slightly over the eyes, and meeting from both sides, together at the top of the nose. The second morphology type was characterized by ridged foreheads, wrinkled noses, and creased cheek bones. In 2154, several Boslic slave traders attended the Orion slave auctions on Verex III. In 2154, several Boslic slave traders attended the Orion slave auctions on Verex III.Boslics are from Boslia.

    The Coridans, also known as Coridanites, are a humanoid Federation species hailing from the dilithium-rich planet Coridan located in the Beta Quadrant. The Coridans traded with the Orions for centuries prior to 2155. The planet Coridan had a population of three billion in 2151. Most of the population was concentrated in several cities in the equatorial region. The capital city was surrounded by a shantytown, and there were almost as many bio-signs outside the city as there were within it. In 2151, the Coridans had the largest starship construction yards in the sector. However, the planet was also embroiled in a conflict between rebel forces, supported by the Andorians, and the government, backed by the Vulcans. The Vulcan agenda was to keep the planet's chancellorship stable, which in turn assured its dilithium exports to Vulcan.

    In 2152, Coridans were represented at the Interspecies Medical Exchange conference on Dekendi III. At one point, the "Coridan Genome Conference" was rescheduled to 1400 hours and changed to auditorium six. This was announced on a speaker system inside the conference building. In 2155, Coridan took part at the talks on Earth to form a Coalition of Planets. Here the Coridans rejected the Tellarite proposal of a trade embargo against the Orion Syndicate.

    The Daliwakans were a humanoid species native to the Alpha or Beta Quadrant. The Daliwakans are mainly Human in appearance except for a row of ridges down the center of their forehead, and pronounced skin above the eyebrows. Daliwakans have successfully mated with Humans before. Daliwakans hail from planet Daliwak.

    The Dekendi are a humanoid species native to Dekendi III. They were quite involved in interplanetary politics by the mid-22nd century, and were even members of the Interspecies Medical Exchange. The Dekendi have a very popular sport in which four people enter a circle filled with fargans, cow-like animals with humps. They then toss melons back and forth using sticks with metal baskets at the end. Eventually, the fargans catch on, and begin trying to get the melons.

    Deltans are a closely humanoid species and members of the FoP. They have a limited telepathic ability, allowing them to use touch to stop another person from feeling pain. Deltans emit extremely powerful pheromones, provoking a strong sexual reaction in many other species. Deltans in Starfleet are required to take an oath of celibacy while in service. Deltan culture is also said to emphasise sexuality heavily: to a Deltan, sex was like a handshake. The Deltans' strong sexual presence, even without physical contact, was explained by pheromones and sub-conscious telepathy. Sexual activity between a Deltan and a non-Deltan means risking insanity for the non-Deltan.

    The Demerians are a spacefaring species known have had limited contact with Humans during the mid-22nd century.

    The Drella derived nourishment from the emotion of love. The Drella existed without form in the conventional sense, and were a mass of energy of highly cohesive electromagnetic fields. They were very similar to the mellitus, a gas cloud creature from Alpha Majoris I, and Redjac, a creature that existed for centuries by journeying from planet to planet, including Earth, Mars, Alpha Eridani II, Rigel IV, Argelius II, and Deneb II.

    Ekosians are a humanoid species native to Ekos, one of two M-class planets in an unnamed star system. The pre-spaceflight Ekosians, as a result of their wars, were in a state of anarchy in the mid-23rd century. This drew the attention of their sister world, Zeon, which had managed to live in peace for many generations, and had developed the beginnings of interplanetary spaceflight. Many Zeons came to Ekos in an effort to help their neighbors learn peaceful ways.

    The Federation also took note of the chaos of Ekos, and dispatched the historian John Gill as a cultural observer to the upheaval in the mid-2260s. Gill had developed an idealization of Utopian fascism and decided his theories were a chance to save Ekos. He abandoned the non-interference policy for cultural contamination, and created a Nazi-style world government where he was the Fhrer. Subverted by his Ekosian Deputy Fhrer Melakon, Gill's best intentions quickly fell apart.

    Using the Nazi model, Melakon used the presence of Zeons on Ekos in much the same way as Hitler used the Jews of Germany and Europe: as scapegoats blamed for Ekos' problems and declaring them a threat to be eliminated. With the technology elicited from Gill, Melakon had rapidly upgraded Ekosian weapons.

    Federation scientists described Elasian males as "vicious and arrogant" in early reports. Females had the ability to produce Elasian tears, a biochemical compound transmittable to males (including Human men) upon contact. The affected man became romantically infatuated and somewhat enthralled to the woman who infected them. Over centuries, men of Elas tried to overcome the tears' power, without success. In the 23rd century, Elasian government included a Council of Nobles, and great homage and deference was paid to their royal Dohlman. Their technological level was pre-warp; with nuclear powered weapons and starships. Some Elasians wore a light and translucent body armor.

    Elasians considered themselves a warrior people, and held little regard for the relatively gentle culture of their neighbors, the Troyians of Troyius. By 2268, after a long period of war with the Troyians, the two civilizations recognized the possibility of their mutual destruction. Some hope for peaceful coexistence began when elements of both governments supported an arranged marriage between Elaan, the Dohlman of Elas, and the ruler of Troyius.

    The Enolians were a humanoid species from Keto-Enol. By the mid-22nd century, they ran the Canamar prison. They were a significant interstellar power, operating hundreds of starships and several busy trading outposts. Their judicial system was not known for its fairness.They come from the planet Keto-Enol.

    The Eska are a technologically-advanced humanoid from Dakala. For nine generations, small Eska hunting parties have stalked and killed the indigenous lifeforms on Dakala, seeking in particular the shapeshifting beings known as Wraiths. Eska are humanoid with a large bony, bumpy, ridge that begins at the nose, goes up the nose and up the forehead, the ridge has two small ridges running parallel on it. They have somewhat thicker brows then Humans that cause slight, smooth ridges from the ridge and over the eyebrows.

    Ferengi civilization was built on the ideals of free enterprise, where all other goals are subjugated to the pursuit of profit. Their governing body, known as the Ferengi Alliance, was formed over a period of ten thousand years. On average, Ferengi were shorter than Humans. They had orange-brown colored skin, blue fingernails, enlarged skulls, wrinkled noses, and sharp teeth. Internally, they had ascending ribs and upper and lower lungs, as well as an unusual four-lobed brain that could not be read by telepathic species.

    The Ferengi's most distinguishing feature was their large ears (called "lobes"), which gave them extremely acute hearing, sensitive enough to tell a person's species and gender, even through electronic distortion, atmospheric/altitude changes, and the decibel level of a sound. The lobes of the Ferengi male were larger than those of females. The sensitivity of the ears also made them vulnerable to pain and other problems, including severe infections of the tympanic membrane which, if left untreated, can become fatal. The Ferengi heart rate was much faster than that of a Human. Otherwise, the Ferengi appeared to have a rather strong immune system. Ferengi were known to have lifespans that could exceed one hundred years.

    When startled, frightened or in pain, Ferengi often emitted a high-pitched scream. The Ferengi culture had roots similar to those of many other species, filled with wars, violence, and greed. However, the Ferengi managed to avoid many of the worst aspects of an evolving culture and their social history was notable for the absence of atrocities such as slavery or genocide, a distinction the Ferengi felt made them morally superior. Ferengi culture slowly grew out of its early stages by introducing a remarkable economic system that developed from early bartering systems to become one of the leading cultures in interstellar commerce.

    Unlike most other cultures who frequently idolize warriors or politicians, businessmen were the pillars of Ferengi society for millennia. This tendency led to the slow merging of business and political fields in Ferengi culture and that influence was evident in the near universal application of the Rules of Acquisition as both a personal and financial code of ethics. The Rules of Acquisition provided advice that all good Ferengi follow in order to lead a profitable life. For example, the first Rule of Acquisition was "Once you have their money, you never give it back".

    In addition to the Rules, the Ferengi also recognized the Five Stages of Acquisition: infatuation, justification, appropriation, obsession, and resale. They also recognized these traits in other species; Earth's Wall Street was regarded with near-religious reverence by Ferengi. The drive for individual gain in Ferengi society led to inventions that spread across many species of the galaxy. Examples included such diverse items as holosuites, synthehol, and the popular drink, Slug-o-Cola.

    The traditional laws of the Ferengi were highly sexist and patriarchal by the contemporary standards of many other civilizations. Unlike those of the Federation, Romulan, or even Klingon societies, Ferengi females were barred from most aspects of society, including politics and business. Laws and traditional social values relegated females to the level of property. Women had no valued role in society apart from the propagation of male heirs.

    Marriage, like everything else in Ferengi culture, was a business contract, signed between the prospective groom and the bride's father, in which the father leased his daughter to the groom for a set period (usually five years) for an agreed fee, paid on the birth of a son. In addition to being forbidden to earn profit and own property, Ferengi females were not allowed to wear clothes, leave their homes without male escort, or speak to strange males. Their role as caregiver to the male children of a family was strictly defined. Mothers were expected to teach their children the Rules of Acquisition, and to soften their male children's food by chewing it for them. Male Ferengi were introduced to the world on their Naming Day, one of the few Ferengi ceremonies that included a tradition of bestowing (free) gifts on someone.

    Similarly, the Ferengi attitude toward personal liberty was superseded by desire for profit. Despite, or perhaps because of, never having endured slavery themselves Ferengi showed themselves willing to engage in slave-trading and the capturing of aliens for slave labor if profitable. Exploitation was a rule in Ferengi society. The formation of labor unions was forbidden, and indeed most Ferengi did not wish to eradicate exploitation but to become the exploiters. Ferengi history reached back approximately 10,000 years, but much of their early history was limited to legend. The most significant events of early Ferengi history were the creation of the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition by Gint and the merging of business and political philosophies into the office of the Grand Nagus.

    After the evolution of their commerce-intensive society, the Ferengi purchased warp drive technology and began to expand their commercial interests in the galaxy. Even at this point, however, the Ferengi were a mysterious race who were often only known through rumor. Due to their ambitious and covetous nature many Ferengi have shown a tendency not to identify themselves to new species during a first encounter and to exploit such species' lack of knowledge about Ferengi philosophy and society. Prior to 2151, the Ferengi came in contact with the Valakians. In 2151, Starfleet had their first encounter with the Ferengi, although they would not realize it for two more centuries. This initial encounter took place between a Federation vessel and a number of Ferengi pirates.

    Small, copper skinned aliens. from the planet Ithen.

Kago-Darr Species
    Kago-Darr's species has a larger then average head, with mainly white hair, and some red and blue marking along the top. A ridge goes down the center bald-spot of their head, and there is a ridge-face on the sides of their eyes. In early 2152, a member of this species was found in an Automated repair station, basically dead; the computer had been using his brain to run its systems. He'd been there for several years.

    Kantare are an humanoid species from the planet Kantare. They have scale-like violet colored markings on the sides of their head from the hairline to the temples, and at the base of the skull. The Kantare had a colony on the planet Kotara Barath as of 2129. They developed sophisticated holographic technology some time before this.

    Giant humanoids of Rigel VII who arm themselves with bronze era weapons.

    The Klingons were a humanoid warrior species that originated from the planet Qo'noS, an M-class planet. One of the major powers of the galaxy, the Klingons were a proud, tradition-bound people who valued honor and combat. The aggressive Klingon culture had made them an interstellar military power to be respected and feared. Klingons believed that they had the instinctive ability to look an opponent in the eye and see any intent to kill.

    The warrior ethos had been an important aspect of Klingon society since the time of Kahless, but the warrior aspects became much more dominant beginning in the early 22nd century. Previously, Klingon society was regarded as socially balanced, but over time the warrior caste gained greater prominence, to the point where the Klingons widely came to be regarded as a "warrior race." Because of their aggressive outlook, the Klingons generally had poor relations with other races after they began to move out into space. Because the worlds of the Klingon Empire were resource-poor, the Klingons developed an intense belief in the need for expansion and conquest in order to survive. The Klingons' relationship with Humans and the Federation was rocky at best. Following the disastrous Firs Contact between Klingons and Humans, tense rivalries and unavoidable conflicts often developed between the two races.

    In the year 2154, the Klingons gained access to the genetic material of Human Augments and tried to adapt this genetic engineering to improve themselves. The test subjects did gain increased strength and intelligence, but then their neural pathways started to degrade and they died in agony. One of the subjects suffered from the Levodian flu, which was modified by the Augment DNA to become a fatal, airborne, mutagenic plague that spread rampantly among the Empire, from world to world. In the first stage of this plague, Klingons lost the ridges on their foreheads and began to look more Human. With the help of a Klingon scientist named Antaak, Dr. Phlox of the Earth starship Enterprise was able to formulate a cure that halted the genetic effects of the virus in the first stage. This retained the changes in appearance along with some minor neural re-ordering. The neural ordering caused changes in the emotional makeup of the Klingons. For example, the infected started to feel fear. Even though the infected did not develop any stage-two characteristics, such as enhanced strength, speed, or endurance they did not die from it. This left millions of Klingons changed. These alterations were even passed on to their children.

    Klingons were apparently so embarrassed by the fallout from their failed attempt at genetic enhancement that they refused to discuss the incident with outsiders. Due to the secrecy of the Klingon Empire, knowledge of the change became lost over time to the general population of the Federation. By the 24th century, the reason for smooth forehead Klingons was not widely known outside the Empire, and questions were generally met with a brusque answer along the lines of "we don't discuss it with outsiders." By 2223, relations between the Federation and the Klingon Empire degenerated to a point of relentless hostility, which lasted for several decades.

    The lingering tensions between Klingons and Humans continued to rise, eventually leading to the Battle of Donatu V near Sherman's Planet in 2245, and later erupted into what was considered the Federation-Klingon War of 2267. This war was quickly ended by intervention by the Organians after only four days of fighting. Klingon society was extremely complex. Before its decline in the mid 22nd century and again in late 23rd century Klingon society was based on a feudal system organized around traditional Great Houses of noble lineage, to which various parts of the population owed fealty. The Great Houses are traditionally represented in the Klingon High Council, which is led by a Chancellor.

    The decline of Klingon culture is demonstrated in the acts of the Klingons themselves. They stopped caring about their weapons to the point that they let them rust and even stopped caring for true honor. Sometime after the augment virus took hold of the Klingon Empire a new regime took control turning the Empire into a fascist state that kept tabs on all who served. Males traditionally dominated public life in the Empire, assuming the leading roles in politics and the military with only rare exceptions. Klingon women were treated as equals except in politics and matters of inheritance. They were prohibited by law from serving in the High Council and cannot take control of their Houses unless they have the money and no male successors of the lineage. Otherwise, Klingon women were expected to exhibit the same physical prowess and lust for blood and honor as the men.

    Klingon society functioned through a system of family reputation and honor. Tradition was an integral part of their lives and breaking from observances was considered a grievous insult to society, an insult that is not forgotten easily. An offense usually brought shame to the offender's name for several generations. The highest shame was discommendation, an action by the High Council to officially strip a Klingon of his personal or family honor. Bloodlines and relations were also taken very seriously by any "true" Klingon. Lines comprise more than mere family members.

    The most distinctive feature of Klingon anatomy (except in those individuals afflicted with the Augment Virus) was a sagittal crest, beginning on the forehead and often continuing over the skull. The cranium was encased in an exoskeleton, which possesses a feature known as the tricipital lobe. On average, Klingons were larger and physically stronger than Humans, though they possessed a much lower tolerance for cold weather Klingon blood can contain ribosomes that are compatible for transfusion with a Romulan.

    The anatomy of a male Klingon afflicted with the Augment virus. Internally, Klingon anatomy was markedly different from that of Humans. There is a great deal more multiple redundancy in their organs, a principle they call brak'lul. This allowed Klingons to survive severe injuries in battle. They had twenty-three ribs, two livers, an eight chambered heart, three lungs, and even redundant neural function and multiple stomachs. Some geneticists believed that the extra organs, notably the third lung, evolved to give Klingons greater stamina on the battlefield. Surprisingly, Klingons had relatively little knowledge of their own biology and their medicine is very poorly developed. This was largely due to their warrior traditions - a Klingon who is wounded was expected to be left to survive through his own strength, die, or to undergo the hegh'bat, a form of ritual suicide.

    Klingon pregnancies normally ran thirty weeks, but with mixed species, gestation times were shorter. The odds against Klingon-Human conceptions were rather high; however, when successful, Klingon and Human metabolisms sometimes clashed, causing biochemical fluctuations in the mother, which may lead to fainting. Klingon traits remained dominant for several generations, even with a single ancestor; therefore, a child even Klingon still possessed forehead ridges if he or she carried the gene.

    Klingons had ridged spines, chests and feet. After birth some Klingon infants experienced a pronounced curvature to the spine, which was correctable by surgery. This "defect" tended to run in Klingon families, especially among females. Federation medicine, fortunately, advanced beyond that, allowing an additional choice of treatment involving genetic modification.

    Klingon children matured far more quickly than Human children. At the age of only one Earth year, a Klingon child had the appearance a Human child had at about four. By the age of eight Earth years, a Klingon attained the maturity a Human did not reach until about age sixteen. When Klingon children began growing into adults, they went through jak'tahla, a Klingon form of puberty.

    The Kovaalans were an aggressive and territorial species native to the Delphic Expanse in the 22nd century. The Kovaalans controlled a nebula in the Expanse in which one terminus of a subspace corridor was located. In 2154, while attempting to utilize the corridor to reach a rendezvous with the Xindi-Primate Degra, the crew of the Enterprise NX-01 were forced to combat the Kovaalans. With the help of their counterparts from a temporally-displaced version of Enterprise from an alternate timeline, the crew was able to successfully negotiate their way past the Kovaalans, and safely pass through the corridor. Their homeworld is unknown.

    The Kreetassans were a warp-capable humanoid civilization native to the planet Kreetassa in the Alpha Quadrant. The Kreetassan race were particularly concerned with proper etiquette, courtesy and adherence to certain, sometimes complex social codes. As a result, they came to have a reputation for being easily offended, and a number of such offenses occurred during their problematic early encounters with Humans.

    The Kreetassans considered eating a taboo to be performed privately in the same manner as mating. In fact, in the Kreetassan language, which was very complex by Human standards, the words "eat" and "mate" were very similar. Thus they were offended when, circa 2151, they saw the crew of Enterprise eating their food in public, which caused them to storm off the ship in rage. Their anger was alleviated, however, when Travis Mayweather apologized on behalf of the entire crew and assured them that no insult was intended.

    In front of the Kreetassan Hall of Diplomacy stood a row of Alvera trees that, by 212, were over 300 years old, and which were considered cultural treasures by the Kreetassans. Defacing them in any way was a major offense to their people; however, if it was done accidentally, there was a special, elaborate apologizing ceremony that involved cutting the tree into many pieces. When a ship was in orbit of Kreetassa, it was, as a courtesy, expected to align its chronometers with that of the Kreetassan Capital City.Kreetassans were a humanoid race who had an elaborate facial structure. They had heavily-ridged faces with a row of purple-tinged rectangular scutes along the midline of the forehead (nose to hairline), covering one-third of its width. They wore their hair long and in braids and dressed in long, brown, embellished gowns. Kreetassans were famous for manufacturing plasma injectors, and they were one of the few races in their particular vicinity that did.

    The vast Kriosian empire was once ruled by two brothers, named Krios and Valt, from the ancient Temple of Akadar. By the 22nd century, the Kriosians were under the rule of the Kriosian Sovereign Dynasty, a family known on hundreds of worlds. The royal guardsmen of the Dynasty were known as the Sovereign Guard. Their leader was known as the First Monarch. In September 2152, the future First Monarch Kaitaama was returning from a diplomatic mission when the Retellians attacked her transport. They killed her guards, placed her in stasis, and attempted to hold her for ransom. En route to their destination, the stasis pod where she was held aboard the kidnappers' ship began to malfunction.

    Sometime between the mid-22nd and mid-24th century, the Klingons established a colony on Krios Prime and subjugated the Kriosians under their rule. Physically, Kriosians are almost identical to their ancestors, the Valtese, possessing a smattering of spots along the side of their face, that lead to their back, and come to a point about halfway down their spine. Kriosians are also known for their somewhat randomly born empathic metamorphs. While male metamorphs are somewhat common, female metamorphs only appear once every seven generations and are highly sought after as mates.

    The Kriosians had a structured class system, divided between the nobility and the commoners. Kriosian culture during the 22nd century did not allow the First Monarch to socialize with the opposite sex. If anyone attempted to "make a pass" at the Monarch, the Sovereign Guard would cut off one of their hands.

    The Kzinti had a history of conflict with Earth, as the two planets fought a series of four wars between them. In what was collectively known as the Earth-Kzin Wars, Kzin was always the aggressor and Earth was always the victor. The first was fought sometime after First Contact in 2063, and the last was concluded by the end of the 2060s. Following the signing of the Treaty of Sirius, the Kzin government, including all Kzinti territories, were essentially demilitarized. The Kzinti were forbidden to possess any sort of weapons or starships - except police vessels, which were to be used solely for peacekeeping.

    The Kzinti were large, carnivorous, cat-like beings that stood over two meters tall. Their anatomy was extremely well reinforced, as they possessed multiple hearts, and vertical braces along their ribs. The Kzinti were a prejudiced, war-like species who often spoke of pride and honor. Males had no respect for males of herbivorous species, such as Vulcans, or of females of any species. This lack of respect stemmed from the fact that on their homeworld, Kzinti females were simply "dumb animals". If a Kzin was defeated in battle but allowed to live, that action was considered the ultimate insult. In such a case, the Kzin had to seek revenge by challenging the attacker to a duel before the attacked Kzin was allowed to seek either medical assistance or reinforcements.

    The Loque'eque were a species that originated in the Delphic Expanse. Several centuries prior to 2153 they lost the ability to reproduce and their species began to die out. In an attempt to save their race from total extinction, the Loque'eque engineered a mutagenic virus which transformed the DNA of other species into their own. Aliens who were infected with the virus experienced hallucinations and an extremely powerful urge to seek the Loque'eque's home city, Urquat. The Loque'eque civilization was lost but the virus was successful and as of 2093, alien Commander Tret's people had lost tens of millions to the Loque'eque virus.

    When an away team from the NX-class starship Enterprise beamed down to the Loque'eque homeworld in 2153, three of the four officers were infected with the virus. Fortunately, Doctor Phlox was successful in synthesizing an antidote, returning the team to their Human forms. Tret's people were still fighting the virus in 2153 using starships patrolling the system and away teams on the Loque'eque homeworld, literally incinerating any host of the virus.

    The Lorillians of Alit I are a humanoid species that can only breathe methyl oxide before the age of four. At that time, the mother must wean her child off methyl oxide and onto oxygen. They resemble humans aside from ridges along the nose and forehead running parallel to the hairline.

    The Lyssarrians were a species in the Alpha/Beta Quadrant who had attained interstellar travel prior to 2153. The lead government of the Lyssarrians was known as the Lyssarrian Prime Conclave. On the Lyssarrian homeworld, there was a creature called a Lyssarrian desert larvae. When it was injected with genetic material from another species, it created a mimetic symbiot, or a clone. The Lyssarrian Prime Conclave deemed doing this illegal. A rogue group who called themselves the Velandran Circle experimented with an enzyme which would slow the aging process of such a genetic clone. As of 2153, it was still experimental.

    The Malurians were a scaly, gray-skinned lizard people from the Malurian system. The Malurians had a total population of four billion on four inhabited planets. They had surprisingly advanced warp capabilities and personal disguising technology.

    The Mazarites are a humanoid species native to the planet Mazar. They are distinguished by two folded skin flaps on the sides of their faces that run from their eyebrows and surround their ears and under their temples. Mazarites also have dark hair with streaks of white hair swept back from the temples, along the sides. And at least in men, it is usually worn pulled back into a ponytail.

    In the 2150s the Mazarites were technologically comparable to Humans. Their ships were only a little faster than Starfleet ships, able to reach warp 5.2. They also possessed deflector shields and communications-jamming technology.


Created by Commander Rowena Patterson of USS Jericho.

Categories: Stellar Cartography