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Daisy's Arrival

Posted on Sun Apr 12th, 2015 @ 10:51pm by Ensign Daisy Skie-Cloud

Mission: The Night Cries
Location: USS Farragut - Cestus III
Timeline: Feb 14th 23:45 hrs

It was a long journey from Earth, Sol-3 with nothing much to do, except show up on the bridge wearing the prescribed clothing. The uniform which she hated. It scratched and rubbed her physique, irritating sensitive skin. Which led her to wear the most confusing article of clothing of feminine apparel, The bra, to confine her breasts. But at least they protected her sensitive portion of her breast from the constant rubbing. As for panties that was optional if she remembered to wear them. As soon as her shift was done, she practically ran to her quarters, stripped naked to be done with the uniform.

She was excited to see the new planet below as she had watched from her station on the bridge. It was nice that the ship arrived just several minutes before the end of her shift. It had gotten boring day after day of watching stars streak by, listening to brief snatches of communications as the ship sped through the signal from other sources.

Even resupply stop-over points to pick up much needed supplies was a delight to enjoy in the break up of boring repetitive routine with nothing to do. This was where she was busy the most in communicating with various people enroute. Even all she did was make connection and bring the visuals up on the main view screen. Made sure that audio was as crisp as if the person was talking face to face instead of thousands of kilometers between them.

She monitored communiques to and from the ship, taking peeks at them. She had made the Acting Ship Captain upset at her a bunch times for her tardiness when it came to her scheduled shift. From just a few seconds to minutes late. Like the universe wasn't going to fall apart if she was perfect in meeting her time requirements. The Academy survived just fine during her attendance and was still there after she had graduated. She loved graduation as she could go naked under the graduating gown, with the exception of wearing sandals. It was important to keep one's feet protected against sharp objects against such sensitive skin and you didn't want to track dirt into someone else's domicile. That was just plain rude and inconsiderate to your host.


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