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Posted on Sun Jan 17th, 2016 @ 1:15am by Chief Petty Officer Frederick Nau & Ensign Daisy Skie-Cloud

Mission: The Belle of Bellatrix
Location: USS Farragut

Daisy sat in the big mess hall of the ship, relaxing with an after dinner drink. She was off duty since her evening meal was at the end of her shift on the bridge, baring any emergencies. She was wearing a tube top, mini skirt and sandals as bunch of the male crew were trying to be discrete in their efforts not be obvious in their oogling her. She could put an Orion Slave Woman to shame without the pheromones they used. Just a soft smile would caused two of the passing crewmen to collide with each other, one to send empty dishes and plates crashing to the floor, other to loose his meal to being worn by the both of them. By now the crew should be used to her attire when not on duty, but there was an occasional mishap when she was around.

CPO Nau walked into the ship's mess hall, trying to just relax after a long day of numbers shuffling. Blinking a bit, he noticed Ensign Skie-Cloud sitting by herself. Adopting an 'what the heck, the worse she can say is 'No,' attitude, he approached her table. "Ensign," He began, would you mind if I joined you?"

Daisy looked up at CPO Nau, giving him a warm smile, "Sure you may!" Softly exclaimed with a warmth and excitement in meeting a new person. "I'm Daisy and you're?" She took a dainty bite of her food. Hey warm eyes watched the him.

"Chief Petty Officer Frederick Nau, Finance Officer, at your service, Mam. Please, call me 'Fred. " He replied as he sat down at the table. "Well, what's good 'on tap?' " He asked her.

Daisy looked at her plate of food. At least what remained of it. "Mystery meat smothered in a tomato an cheese sause. Soggy veggies salad with another type of cheese sauce." Looking up at Fred. "It taste wonderful. If you don't have any taste buds or starving." She wrinkled her nose gently. Tossing her napkin over the remains on her plate. "Finances? I thought the Federation did away with money? At least Sol-3 did."

"They have, but there are still logs to keep regarding what goes where and for how much, re: Federation Credits, etc." Fred sniffed Daisy's meal. "I..*think* I will forgo that for what poses as a 'hamburger' in this joint."

"Hamburger? This suppose to be Veal according to the menu." Daisy gave a soft chucke. "Didn't you read the menu on the way in? Moot now. So what part of the galaxy you came from?" Looking at him as she leaned forward a bit to show interest in what he had to say.

Nau sat back in his chair and grinned. "My origins were on good old Earth. Born and raised there; Met my first 'Boss,' Mr. Peepers there and went to work for him. First in the back rooms, counting, loading, and learning to haggle with the customers." Nau brought forth a small dark red package with dark blue bands at each end. "Now, you see this package? There are only 100 left like it **anywhere.** You know what' in it? I'll tell you - pipe tobacco. Not just *any* pipe tobacco, but pipe tobacco made from tobacco leaves harvested on a certain planet that had the optimum weather and soil combination to grow it. I picked up the last 'pouches' of it just before the planet's eco-system under went a dramatic change and no more tobacco could be grown."

Daisy looked at the package when prompted to as she listened to his speel on how rare it is. She looked up at him with curiosity when he finished. "Is that a spice you put on food? Or an aromatic herb to add scent to the room's air?" Eyes a bit wide with interest.

Nau smiled at Daisy. "Noo, it's neither. This pipe tobacco is 'smoked' in a pipe." Which Nau produced from a pocket. "What I do is fill this bowl here,"as he pointed to the pipe's bowl,"and then press it down a bit,"Nau continued to demonstrate,"then I light the tobacco with either a match or lighter, and suck it in. If it's *good* tobacco, it will last for a while. But, since we're in a public place, I won't really fill it - some folks just don't like the smell of good tobacco."

"Oh.." Sounding disappointed, "Pipe weed. Not to fond of it myself." Daisy leaned back in her seat. "But I'm sure your blend is probably unique to you." Giving him a soft smile.

Fred smiled back at Daisy, all the while thinking to himself "Ohh man..where were you 20 years ago?" Then erased that thought with another; "Calm down fellow...she's young enough to be your daughter..." All in the space of ten seconds..."Well, yes. This blend is 'unique,' in that it can't be duplicated anymore, anywhere. The soil conducive for its quality is long gone." Nau sat back in his chair. "Soo, what part of the Galaxy do *you* come from? Any more like you back 'home?' "

"Terran Twelve. It's a Consortium ran resort system. And yes there are. Someone for all ages to find companionship. Entertainment to please even the most jaded." Daisy spoke fondly of the place. "Virtual or the real thing. Depending on what you are after."

Fred half smiled before replying. "Well, I *seriously* doubt that any female would want to live the life I lead as my 'companion,' but I must admit that the idea sounds intriguing." Then Fred raised his right eyebrow. "By, 'companionship,' did you mean permanent wise possibly, or just visiting companionship?"

Daisy smiled, "Visiting and discrete, unless you're the more public type. Even though retiring Fleet Personnel tend to return to settle there and find lucrative jobs in their retirement years." Her eyes sparkled in the ambient light of the big Messhall.

Fred smiled at the thought. "Hmmm, sounds like the perfect place to start one's 'Barter' business after they've retired from the Fleet."

"That would be a pleasant change from the Bars and pleasure houses that majority open up." Daisy spoke with a smile that continued showing her interest and warmth. "You'd be rich in a few planetary months if manage correctly."

Fred thought for a moment, then sat back in his chair again. " I am rich, the trick is to *stay rich* in that business." He smiled back at Daisy. "Now young Lady, question. How good are you at numbers?"

"Numbers are life in the business of radio communication. Cause each frequency has a specific bandwith. Some are more finicky which means you have to be precise in order to pick up and transmit on, with no bleed out into other surrounding frequencies." Daisy smile grew a bit, showing she was smart. "Also you have to have good hearing to catch that frequency for being off just one digit either way means you'll lose the transmission."

Fred looked at the ceiling for a second before continuing. "By 'numbers,' I'm asking about money, either Fed credits, or Romulan specie, or Cardassian specie, etc. Are you familiar regarding those 'numbers,' and how they match and differentiate? "

Daisy gave him one of those classic blank looks. "Huh... errrr.." Then the dawning of comprehension. "Ooooooh!" She squeals in delight. "Money! Yes I like money. But I thought the Federation gave up on any form of currency." Drawing the attention of others around them.

Fred winced at Daisy's squeal, and noticed some of the other crew folks looking their way. "Yes...the Federation *did* give up on forms of currency, *but,* there are other things..items....that are as just of value, that certain people may 'want' " That's my side line of trade.. I act as sort of a middle man between parties so that each party may 'procure' their respective wanted item. And for such services, I receive a percentage."

"You know you whont be able to store your portion of the trade goods aboard this ship without the Captain's permission." Daisy nodded sagely as one of the mess stewards refilled her glass with a soft drink.

Nau nodded his head in agreement. "That's true, but they *aren't* on the ship. What 'goods' I may be trading are currently on a certain planet in a certain storage facility, guarded by certain folks."

"Sounds sooo mysterious," Daisy giving him a warm wide smile. "Sounds like your set for the future. Unless what you get becomes outdated."

"What I've found," Said Fred continuing, "Is that 'nothing' becomes outdated. Case in point.." Fred stopped and looked around the place and then back at Daisy. "Now, what I tell you is between *us,* you understand?"

"What?" Daisy all excited as she leaned forward towards Fred. "My lips are sealed and my heart is crossed." Using an old child custom.

Fred tried to avoid Daisy's 'charms' as she 'leaned forward,' and he began to speak. "Ok, here's an example, and *mind you,* it's only an example," to which Fred smiled. "Now, let's say we have a certain individual that's in charge of say.... a portion of a planet. Said person is looking for food for his 'minions' that follow him. *Another 'person' has a storage load of food stuffs that he can't unload, and soon will spoil. *This* fellow is looking for minerals that are unknown to his World that he can sell at a profit, which it so happens that the fellow looking for food *has* said minerals. Soooo, I act as the intermediary, and make sure that both products are delivered, safe and sound. For which I get a percentage from both parties, which goes towards fuel for the deliveries and into my pocket and those that help with the exchange. Ummm. Just curious, but you wouldn't happen to have any siblings, say around *my* age, would you?"

"I've a sister, Skie-Dot. Whose the eldest. She works for Marium Escort and Companion Services on Terran Twelve." She looked thoughtful as she took another sip of her drink. "So basically you're a Broker of Goods and Transport. Isn't that risky competing against the Major Merchant Consortiums where they have the ships? Or you work for them?"

Fred shyly smiled. " I don't work for them. *Some* of them work for me; or I should say work *with* me. And right now, that's about all I'd like to say about *that.* Changing our conversation a bit here; do you think your sister might wish to change jobs? I am *always* on the look out for an 'representative' of the business."

"She's looking for a mate. She does pretty well in her current profession. I'm the disappointment when I decided I wanted to leave planet and see the stars by joining Starfleet." Daisy looked thoughtful, "But then she'll need something to tide her over during her retirement years. I could ask and see if she is interested."

Fred half smiled. "Wellllll..though I'm not quite ready to lose my bachelor status..." Fred looked thoughtful. "I am a bit curious. Perhaps you might be able to see if she'd be willing to travel - 90% of my business is done here on this ship while I am 'off duty,' but I do on occasion travel to various places. May I ask if you have a picture of her? I don't claim to have 100% good manners, but I do know how to eat off a plate(Fred winks.)"

Daisy gave a soft laugh, "I dunno about travel. You would have to ask her since she's quite popular. From what I've seen, you'd pass muster." She looked thoughtful, "I have one in my quarters."

Fred frowned slightly. "Welll, I *would* hope that she'd like to travel-that's part of the 'business,' meeting with various clients. Would she be willing to give up what she has now, to travel with a gentleman, and *only* with that said gentleman?"

"I dunno. I can only speak for myself." Daisy settled down and took a sip of her drink. With a brief glance about the Mess Hall. "What made you decide to join Starfleet? Doesn't it kinda restrict your movements and not travel where you need to go?"

Fred slightly smiled. "Star Fleet is great, I love venturing about the Cosmos. And as for it's possibly 'restricting my movements,' far from it. If anything, it's helped broaden my base of operations."

"I wish you a lot of luck." Daisy spoke softly setting her empty glass on the tray next to her used dishes. Her attention was drifting to other matters. "I must be going." Giving a smile as she stood up and grabbing her tray to dispose of it properly.

Fred looked up at Daisy. "Please let me know when I may stop by to look at that picture of your sister?" He asked with a hopeful smile.

"In an hour. I've some last minute reports to finish up," Daisy gave him a smile and took off to dispose of her tray of dishes.

Fred smiled and got back to his drink and meal. Watching Daisy walk out, he shook his head. "Ohh, to be 25 again." He quietly said to himself.

Chief Petty Officer Frederick Nau
Finance Officer - USS Farragut

Ensign Daisy Skie-Cloud
CFO - USS Farragut


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