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Communications with Engineering

Posted on Mon Dec 14th, 2015 @ 7:01pm by Ensign Daisy Skie-Cloud & Lieutenant Rianna DiMarco

Mission: The Belle of Bellatrix
Location: Farragut

Even though the communication system was top of the line, Daisy disliked the limited controls the bridge system had for fine tuning to even pick up the frequencies and to remove distortion from transmissions. She needed a work station that equaled a recording studio control room with all the equipment to isolate sound while eliminating the ambient noises and to fine tune radio frequencies.

"Computer, where is Chief of Engineering?" Daisy spoke up, heading off the Bridge after her shift on the bridge.

The ship's computer pinned DiMarco's location down to Workshop A in Main Engineering.

Daisy shyly entered into Engineering and stood at the closed door behind her. She looked around in awe at the activity of engineering crew. "Huh?" As a crewman passed by her, ignoring her. "Excu..." Another one passed by going the opposite way, not stopping.

Daisy was getting frustrated at being ignored. She stepped into the path of the next Engineering Crew that was approaching her to someplace else. "Excuse Me!" A bit snappish. "Are you Lieutenant DiMarco?" Bringing attention to herself as she blocked the Crewman's way.

The man that stopped looked down at Daisy, equally amused and exasperated by the interruption. "No ma'am I am not," he said with a thick Texas accent. "I mos definitely don't have the parts to be the lieutenant. I take it that's who you're looking for?"

He leaned back a little ways and bellowed at the top of his lungs "HEY RI! YOU'VE GOT A VISITOR!"

"HEY JENSEN STOP YELLING!" came an equally loud bellow from a few doors down.

"There ya' go, miss," the Texan said with a smug little half bow. "May I get now?"

Daisy nodded, smiling at the handsome Engineer that she had stopped. She moved toward the door that the loud feminine voice emitted from. She paused in the open doorway. "I hope I haven't come at a bad time, Lieutenant?" Then she entered shyly. Taking a deep breath, she continued on bravely, "I just need a moment of your time."

"I told you to come by any time you needed it.." Ri said without looking over her shoulder. Her attention was engrossed in straightening the edge of a red hot crescent shaped piece of metal with a few strategically placed clamps and a trio of carefully aimed strikes to the misbehaving edge. Once the line was curved just so the way that she wanted to, she changed the clamps out for tongs and dropped the pieces in an industrial sized tub of something cold and chemically to the side. "What's up, flower gal?"

"I need a sound studio linked to the communications to weed out unwanted distortions and interference of a signal as it travels through space. Also I'm not a flower girl. Lieutenant Grease Monkey." Feeling a bit brave to use an old Sol-3 slang. "Also need a wider bandwith that takes in ..." Daisy pauses on how to put this in terms that those not familiar with frequencies. "...Able to pick up carrier signals in between the known points in frequency." She leaned up against wall to watch Ri.

"Aww, don't be cross with me," the engineer laughed as she picked up an identical piece as the first and secured it in the clamps for a future run through a torch. "I'm just being friendly. And- you're gonna be cross with me already when I tell you that I'll need a sign off by the CO for building you a whole new room due to space constrictions on the ship. We might be able to sweet talk David into letting us convert one of the labs for you- so long as you're willing to let him play in there now and again, too. If I get an okay I might be able to shave some space off a cargo room. I've got to get permissions for all of that though. Bandwidth-wise I can do something about quicker. I have a couple of brainy types myself down here that I can put towards making you something shiny. Give me a week or three on that just so they have build and test time."

Daisy nodded as she listened to Ri. "I'd appreciate that very much." Looking a bit more relaxed, making a few funny faces about having the CO sign off on her project. She then smiled, "I apologize for not recognizing teasing, DiMarco. I'll do my best to get the Captains permission for the studio sound room." Smiling now that she apologized. "I don't mind sharing. He may catch something I might miss." Seeing that Ri was in middle of a project, refrained from giving her a hug. "Thank you for your time. I'll talk to the head cook give you a bigger rations."

'You don't have to butter me up, Daisy, this is my job," Rianna laughed. She set aside her work and turned around, leaning back at an angle so she was nowhere near anything that could hurt her. "Call me Rianna. And talk to David. I'll go with you if you want, but I'm sure that he'd go for it. The promise of a few new toys, and I bet he'd be all kinds of excited to give up some space."

Daisy smile widen with warmth. "I'll do that Rianna. I'm sure David may want to add his two cents worth in the project." Looking thoughtful for a brief second and gets one of those light bulb expression along with a goofy grin. "We could always sacrifice one of the vacant room, quarters for the Sound Room. It would be less work for you and your crew." She nods as if this was the greatest idea since the warp propulsion. "It would also increase transmission range of the ship. Lets go talk to David and get his input on this also."

Daisy pulled out a pad from her uniform side pocket and began writing up the project for the captain's permission and how it would benefit not only communication, but to include Science also. On the good side it would give the Farragut a bit more range on transmission and clearer returns from long range transmission.

"Lead on then.." Ri said with a flourish. She paused just long enough to make sure that the torch was truly extinguished before following the comm officer out the door.

Daisy took off with Ri following along with her back through the ship in search of the Science officer. "Computer, Where is the Chief of Science?"


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