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The Lady Sare

Posted on Sat Sep 26th, 2015 @ 10:05pm by Captain Aidan Rackham & Commander William Carver M.D. & Ensign Daisy Skie-Cloud

Mission: The Belle of Bellatrix
Location: Temple of Rybensauky
Timeline: 2278.54 1230hrs [Ship Time]


"You are aware of the disruptions in this region? You come in a spaceship." Ariak seemed less worldly than he had previously. "We may not have the fastest ships in the galaxy but we've lost enough to the Great Beyond to know that something is wrong. Lady Sare keeps us from being affected by its effects."

"We're aware of the spatial anomalies in this region," Carver continued. "But how does Lady Sare protect you, exactly? That's what I'm curious about."

"All will be revealed, Doctor." Ariak replied with a wizened smile. "All will be revealed."

Ariak led them up the steps toward a set of giant doors, emblazoned with jewels and glittering metals which made them look as though they stretched into the clouds. A clever perspective trick, Rackham noted as the little Bellarican stopped in front of the door. "Welcome to the Temple of Rybensauky."

Daisy came to a compete stop as she looked up at the door. All them jewels and precious metals would feed the entire home world hers for at least several centuries or be free of the dependency of OFF Worlders. She resumed her approach, but her attention wasn't on who was in front of her. She bumped into Ariak. "Eeek! I'm sooo sorry!"

Once the doors opened, Daisy entered the building. There was soft music playing somewhere from the hidden speakers. Silken guaze drapes hung in profusion, moving gently with the air currents. Lit up softly by a black-light, creating soft hued fog ambience to the place. Soft murmurings of voices up ahead, drawing those to come forward to be seen. Taking that as her cue, Daisy soon disappeared into fog of hanging silk gauze drapes.

Rackham noticed her disappear off among the drapes but simply smiled along. Everything seemed fairly toward, there was no harm in her exploring a little bit. After all, he was all for common sense.

Carver wasn't too worried about the ensign wandering off. He was too busy looking around at the temple's interior design. This is quite the place. "They haven't built a temple like this on Earth in centuries."

"Perhaps," Rackham offered quietly, "there's not been anything - or anyone - to build one for."

The huge doors at the end of the corridor were flung open and beyond lay a magnificent throne room, covered in incredible, billowing fabrics which disguised the sheer scale of the chamber which seemed to continue on forever to the left and right as they passed through the doors. Ensign Skie-Cloud had found her way back to them, and seemed delighted with her surroundings. Perhaps her tastes were too grand for any mere starship.

Rackham smiled at the thought of the ensign being at home in these surroundings before he noticed the figure at the end of the room. There, sitting on a beautiful, wide sofa bedecked with yet more pastel furnishings sat a girl, no more than fifteen, with flowing blonde hair and the bluest eyes that Rackham had ever seen.

There was only one person it could be. "Lady Sare." Ariak said with a wide smile.

Captain Aidan Rackham
Commanding Officer

Commander William Carver MD
Chief Medical Officer

Ensign Daisy Skie-Cloud
Communications Officer
USS Farragut


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