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Forever Live & Die

Posted on Wed Nov 4th, 2015 @ 6:16pm by Captain Aidan Rackham & Commander William Carver M.D. & Ensign Daisy Skie-Cloud

Mission: The Belle of Bellatrix
Location: Veccha City, Bellatrix IV
Timeline: 2278.54 1500hrs [Ship Time]

The man ushered them down a small alley and in through the back of what looked like a public house, through a little industrial kitchen and into a back room. Rackham could see Harper twitching above his phaser but there was something about this De'Microbuster - a pseudonym surely - that Rackham trusted.

"Did you take any scans when we were in the temple, Doctor?" He asked quietly as they walked.

Carver shook his head. "I wish I had. We hadn't spent much time in the temple before we told to explore the city by Lady Sare."

De'Microbuster led them into the back room and motioned for them to take a seat as he nervously checked the window. "They keep tabs on us - they call us dissidents." He eventually sat down with them and spread a large document out on the table. "This is a scroll which describes the process that the RIbensauky Church uses to choose the Lady. They take a selection of the female population - babies - and bring them up to follow their doctrines. Only one can be chosen and the rest... we never see the rest again."

"Is this the cultural contract of your customs?" Rackham asked simply, unconvinced that there was anything decidedly untoward going on, despite his protestations.

"Hundreds of children are being taken from their parents every year, Captain. This is not right - what happens to the other children? They're killed." He looked distraught at the thought. "Each of our Ladies serves for three years until their fourteenth birthday and then the priests tell us that they are no longer able to control the effects of the Gods - I believe you know it as some kind of Triangle - the priests refer to the effects as being Gods."

"So what you're saying is..."

"It's all a ploy Captain. The Ladies can no more control the effects of the 'Gods' than you or I can - the system is too far away to even be affected by it!"

"What's to be gained from such a tradition?" Carver asked, incensed. "There were ancient civilizations back on our home planet that made similar sacrifices to their gods, but that was centuries before we ever achieved flight, much less faster than light travel."

"We gotta help them," Daisy was shaken up as she looked at her uniform with specks of remains from the guy on street she encountered. "Why you say that Lady Sare can't control the effects of the these....uh... gods or effects?" Not wanting to insult the man.

"The document says that it goes back to when we first traveled in space - they discovered the impact of the Triangle, lost a few ships and decided that it would be an excellent way to keep an unruly population in line. You have to understand, we used to be in uproar and the Church's discovery of the 'spirit' of our Lady helped to control things but you've seen their guards, you've seen the way they treat the people, there's nothing we can do to escape their grip. Without Lady Sare being made to understand, there's nothing we can do."

"I think she might know." Rackham admitted, eventually putting two and two together and coming up with the reason they were encouraged to explore beyond the temple. "How long has she been your Lady?"

"Three years." De'Microbuster said, the lines in his face seeming to deepen with every word. "She will be fourteen in less than a month."

"Did she request you and your compatriots to rebel against those that are in power?" Daisy looked thoughtful. "What happens when she reaches fourteen years?" Looking at him curiously.

De'Microbuster made a sign that was universal - he pulled his finger across his throat. "Her blood is said to imbue the spirit into the next host."

"No way!" Daisy blurted out in surprise and shock, before she could contain herself, "We gotta rescue her! Put a stop to this madness!" She stood up and stomped her foot, letting emotions dictate her actions. "Civilized people just don't up and kill their leaders. Nor shoot people in the streets! Nor use press gang tactics in this day in age!" Turning to De'Microbuster. "You can count on my help..." Looking hopeful at the Captain. "...If allowed?" Sounding hopeful as she looked at him.

Will pulled Rackham aside. "Captain, you know this puts us in a tough situation. I'm sure you want to help her as much as I do, but is this our battle to fight? It doesn't exactly make for the best first impression if we start helping to overthrow their government."

Rackham looked back at the horrified but enthused eyes of his communications officer before turning back to the doctor. "I know, Doctor. You're quite right." Something was still nagging at him. "Still, that doesn't mean we can't confront Lady Sare about what we found."

Unsure of what was going on as Rackham and Carver quietly conferred, 'De'Microbuster' looked at Daisy, knowing he definitely got help from her. Yet she was bound by her ship's protocol the way she looked to and deferred to Captain Rackham. "I can show you guys the where they take the girls to be selected." He motioned them to follow as he took off coveralls he was wearing to show he was wearing a disguise of being a minor priest of the Temple Order. He threw each of the officers a simple shawl which covered the blood red of their uniforms.

Captain Aidan Rackham
Commanding Officer

Commander William Carver M.D.
Medical Officer

Ensign Daisy Skie-Cloud
Communications Officer
USS Farragut


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