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First Impressions

Posted on Wed Aug 5th, 2015 @ 4:25pm by Captain Aidan Rackham & Commander William Carver M.D. & Lieutenant Duncan Harper & Ensign Daisy Skie-Cloud

Mission: The Belle of Bellatrix
Location: Surface of Bellatrix IV
Timeline: 2278.54 1130hrs [Ship Time]

When the foggy, twinkly lights of the transporter beam released them, Daisy looked around in awe at the Medieval Gothic décor of stone and free hanging tapestries depicting religious icons centered on very youthful girl in her pre-teens. Shining metal armored statues adorned the room around the perimeter with big shield with all sorts of heraldry.

The walls towered upwards into gloom and shadows where the light didn't reach. And it was quiet, very quiet that would make someone whisper or speak in very low tones. Pale lights that were there, were from some glowing sphere in metal cups angled out from the wall, set at equal distance from each other interspersed with the tapestries and suits of armor, lighting up the more important scenes of historical value. On another wall was obviously hand painted portraits of important dignitaries and leaders. Daisy shivered in the nighttime cool air of the room they beamed down into, feeling the hidden eyes upon her. The dark stained glass that filled the big arching windows, were carefully designed pictures of historical moment and other preteen females of varying hair color, yet the hair style was always the same and a halo floated above the girl's head.

Rackham took a moment to take in their surroundings, noting the movement of the security officers in his peripheral vision. The room reminded him of a castle he had once visited on the isle of Arran, just off the coast of Scotland. It had been reconstructed, more as a tourist attraction than a historical monument, and the brightly coloured heraldry had stayed with him all those years.

Duncan took a moment to adjust to the surroundings before turning to Chief Dunbar, the two of them were here to keep the Captain and the Senior Staff safe. But it was hard not to be impressed by the Tapestries and Architecture that was now surrounding them.

Chief Dunbar had to pick his jaw up off the stone floor. "Very Medieval, more likely to be twelfth or thirteenth century if I were to guess."

"We detected warp signatures," Rackham replied. "How odd that they would have such... archaic architecture but technology like that."

Doctor Carver shrugged as he took in the scenery. "Perhaps their society is steeped in a lot of tradition. They may have new technology, but their sense of style hasn't changed in quite some time. That, or we just happened to have beamed into a museum."

Rackham nodded sagely as the Doctor continued his observation. "Whatever it is, I assume our welcoming committee is still in bed." He said quietly, hoping that they weren't being overheard.

Suddenly they were surrounded by light and music. The sconces which held the torches burst into life with a new-found immediacy as simply dressed people began carrying huge trays loaded with meats and fruits into the room. The wide smiles spread across their faces were as disconcerting as they were welcoming.

Somewhere on the other side of the room a band had struck up, playing some foreign but familiar song.

Duncan stood for a moment and then turned to the Away Team. "Looks like our welcoming committee has showed up." The Lieutenant said as he saw the smiles of the locals.

Daisy jumped startled when the band started to play as room brightened, revealing more of the room and people rushed into the room, carrying food on platters to fill the tables that rose from the floor farther down room. It seamed that several of the tapestries had risen to reveal more of the room with tables settling into place to await their burden of food. Daisy smiled warmly in return to the smiles received from the locals.

At the far end of the room was a dais with one single throne-like chair at the very top, then on the next step down was two more fancy throne-like chairs flanking the one on top. At the base of the dais was several heavily armed troops spaced equally across the room between the dais and rest of the room.

Carver was certainly not one to turn down a party, so seeing such a gathering prepared in what he wondered was their honor left him rather intrigued. The armed troops caught his attention though. They were an odd sight to see compared to the more jovial activity happening around them.

Rackham motioned subtly toward the armed guards, all of whom held complex, advanced looking phaser rifles. "Keep an eye on them, Harper. Just in case."

Duncan nodded. "Aye Sir, seems a little odd to have Phaser Rifles given the Architecture and the décor." The veteran Security Officer commented as he observed the guards. He did find it so peculiar.

"What are you thinking Sir?" Chief Dunbar asked Duncan. He too was curious as to their presence and the reasoning behind such blatant Security.

The Lieutenant nodded to the far corner. "Notice the Security Sensors placed about the room, probably to keep monitoring arrivals."

Daisy mind wasn't on checking the place for security reasons, but was looking at the tapestries and eyeing the food as the succulent aromas caught her attention. The servers had departed as the music still played, but a more softer tune. She swayed to the music enjoying it. She couldn't resist any longer and sat, grabbing a grape-like fruit and popping it into her mouth. Eyes lit up in delight at the sweet burst of flavor as she chewed. "ooohhhh!" softly exclaimed reaching for more. "You guys oughtta try this!"

Carver wandered over to Daisy and pulled out his tricorder. He did a quick scan of the fruit she just ate. "Well, it looks like you lucked out. It doesn't appear to be poisonous to humans, but let's try to be careful, shall we."

A small man approached the group, a long cloak swishing out from behind him as he walked. He seemed uninterested in the revelry and reached the group without so much a glance at the others. "Captain Rackham. I am Ariak of Bellatrix. Please, please. Come in - this small soiree is for you. Your crew may relax with us!"

To be continued...

Captain Aidan Rackham
Commanding Officer

Doctor William Carver
Chief Surgeon

Lieutenant Duncan Harper
Security Officer

Ensign Daisy Skie-Cloud
Communications Officer


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