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The Science Lab

Posted on Mon Dec 14th, 2015 @ 11:48am by Lieutenant JG Charles Kramer [PNPC: Rackham] & Lieutenant David Windsor

Mission: The Belle of Bellatrix
Location: Physics Labs [H Deck]
Timeline: 2278.54 1445hrs

After he found the phaser, Kramer felt a little more assured in himself. Setting it to a stun which would render even the most committed nutbar incapacitated. Reaching H Deck had been tough enough but now he had to find his way to the physics lab without a map. No mean feat.

He rounded the corner and took a right, trying to keep moving slowly so that the sound of his footsteps didn't bring anyone out of hiding. He hoped beyond hope that it wasn't just him who remained unaffected. If Lieutenant Windsor was still awake, he could help him work out what the problem was.

That idea was quickly put to bed. There was Windsor lying in the open door of what Kramer assumed was the Physics lab. Great, Kramer thought as he stepped over him, looking desperately for something, anything which could tell him what was happening.

[Physics Lab, H Deck, 2276.54 1230hrs]

Having ensured that David was well equipped with a science scanner to confirm that he was quite alone in the science lab, Ri had made her way back to Engineering to quell whatever sort of insurrection was brewing down there.

"Doesn't make sense," David had been telling himself. "Doesn't make sense at all. We'd know for sure. Sensors would say something was wrong. Must be the madness kicking in. That's what it must be."

"Quite logically deduced," Said stoic voice from behind him. David spun and found himself standing face to face with none other than the already legendary Mr. Spock.

"My god!" He exclaimed happily. "If someone had told me you were aboard, I would have... wait ... wait..." He brought up the scanner and laughed, "Hah! You're not real! My god my ego is purely out of control, isn't it!"

"Indeed," Spock replied, arching an eye brow before disappearing the next time David blinked.

"Bloody hell. At least I still have my grasp of scientific logic," He said, chuckling to himself. Where would I be without that! Where I tell you!" He said to himself, laughing nervously as he set back to work trying to isolate exactly what this frequency was doing to brain patterns. There seemed to be some level of radiation tied to it, something that was causing he synapses to misfire and reshaping the links of the brain, bending things like a magnet almost. From what he saw, it should be completely reversed once they were no longer being exposed to the radiation, but it was uncertain what prolonged exposure would bring about.

The entire experience was unnerving if he was honest about it. He'd been so used to being in complete control of his facilities that suddenly finding himself having to question everything he thought he saw was... offputting. To say the least.

"Radiometric demodulator... that's what I need," He said, turning to get the tool and finding himself staring down a massive Gorn, glaring at him angrily with his teeth bared.

"YOU'RE NOT REAL!" He shrieked, stumbling backwards and losing his footing. He caught his head on the edge of the console, and was completely aware of the fact that he was going to be unconsciously shortly even as he fell. The last thing he saw was the empty room around him, completely devoid of any Gorn assailants, before everything went black.

"Bugger all..." He muttered as he slipped into unconsciousness.

[[Current Time]]

Consciousness was slowly starting to return to David now, and things were starting to make sense to her perceptions again instead of being an amalgam of mindless noise.

Including the noise of someone tapping away on the nearby computer systems.

"BACK YOU DEVILS!" He screamed suddenly, rolling up to his knees and snatching the science scanner and pointing it toward the man at the console like a phaser.

When it pinged that there actually was something there, he regarded it with a bit of curiosity, slapping it a couple of times before a smile blossomed on his face, "My god! You're real!" He said, rushing across the room and fiercely embracing the other man.

"I'm so glad you're real!" He said, then suddenly stopped and stepping away. "My god... unless... unless I'm now hallucinating the results on my scanner... and you're not real...." He pushed the scanner out, screen first, at the man, "What does this say? Are you real?" He asked, urgently.

Kramer looked shocked. Not shocked because there was another warm body on the deck but shocked that he hadn't immediately tried to throttle him. "I'm real, I'm real. It's me. Kramer. I need to find out what's happening. Are you listening to me Windsor?" The Science Officer seemed to be wavering in and out of comprehension. "Can you tell me what's going on? What's making everyone act like this?"

"No... YES!" David said, looking down at his scanner again, as if he needed to make sure it was still making sense, "Yes! It's a low-grade bit of radiation. We picked it up initially as a signal, but then we realized it wasn't a signal it was a form of sonic radiation. It's wreaking havoc on our brains and causing--"

"David! Where are all the women?" Wesley said suddenly, leaning against a door frame suggestively and completely nude.

"That's not real," David swinging his scanner toward Wesley. He sighed and hung his head slightly, "Bugger... that's real. GO PUT YOUR CLOTHES ON, WESLEY!" David barked.

The junior scientist jumped and scowled, "Ruining all my fun..." He muttered, walking back into the room and out of sight.

"Sorry!" David replied, brightly. "At any rate, I'd imagine everyone on the ship is quite mad by now... except... you?" David cocked his head at the man.

"What is... how is it effecting you?" He asked.

"I'm not sure." Kramer answered honestly. "I haven't noticed anything specific but I guess it must be getting to me somehow."

"Huh," David said, almost slack jawed. "I'll have to study you extensively once this is all done."

Kramer winced.

He seemed to suddenly shake out of his befuddlement, "AH! YES! BUT! Anyway, the entire crew should be quite mad, and they'll probably kill each other or themselves... or both... or perhaps they'll just destroy the ship... anyway, yes, that's what's going to happen if we don't get out of this area soon and--GET SOME CLOTHES ON WESLEY!" He looked down at his scanner again, "Ah... not real this time."

"Christ." Kramer said unhelpfully - he'd only understood about half of what Windsor had said. "I've got to get to the bridge. You stay here and protect your findings."

"With my life, sir!" David said, steadfastly. "Just... just as soon as I make sure Wesley is dressed." And with that, he darted off into the room Wesley had been sulking in.

"You'd better be in uniform or I'll beat you with a science scanner!" He called as he entered.

Lieutenant David Windsor
Science Officer

Lieutenant (JG) Charles Kramer [NPC: Rackham]
Records Officer


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