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Mission Info

Status Current Mission
Description Sare tells the crew of the Farragut find out about a paradise world called Pacifica which, given the still fragile state of the crew, sounds like an ideal place for them to take a short break. Unfortunately they discover that something is making the indigenous animal population attack at random, meaning that Pacificans are afraid to leave their homes. Suddenly it doesn't seem like such a pleasant vacation spot. Mission Focus: Science, Search & Destroy
Mission Group Season 1
Start Date Mon Dec 14th, 2015 @ 1:01pm

Mission Summary

Sare tells the crew of the Farragut find out about a paradise world called Pacifica which, given the still fragile state of the crew, sounds like an ideal place for the crew to take a short break.

Unfortunately they discover that something is making the indigenous animal population attack at random, meaning that Pacificans are afraid to leave their homes. Suddenly it doesn't seem like such a pleasant vacation spot.

Everybody beams down to the planet to enjoy shoreleave but Carver volunteers to assist in the care and treatment of those affected by a spate of random animal attacks. The Pacificans ask for the Farragut’s help in tracking the cause of the animal attacks and the crew must take to the jungle in order to find it.

They find a small station which leads to a deep underground cavern where some kind of device is causing the animal population to go feral, leading many people to avoid the planet instead of seeing it as a thriving holiday destination and means that the Pacificans are afraid to leave their homes.