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A little extra help Pt. 1

Posted on Mon Jun 1st, 2015 @ 7:10pm by Lieutenant Rianna DiMarco & Lieutenant David Windsor & Ensign Wesley Scott

Mission: The Belle of Bellatrix
Location: Main Engineer
Timeline: 2278.49 0900hrs

"Short of cutting into it with a phase cutter, I really don't see how we're going to get into the casing. There are no seams, no access panels... it's like whatever it was was molded around what's inside," Wesley was saying as they walked into main Engineering.

"And I'm inclined to agree with you, Mister Scott, however I'd prefer to get someone with more of an engineering background to take a look before we start hacking away at things like savages," David replied.

"I have a mechanical engineering minor!" Wesley protested.

"Yes, and very little mechanical engineering experience," David reminded him, arching an eyebrow. "Lieutenant DiMarco on the other hand... she's got plenty of experience working with things like this. If anyone would know, she would." He looked around until he saw a nearby engineering officer. "Ah, excuse me... have you seen the Chief?" He asked, politely.

The crewman in question looked up for a moment, then thumbed over his shoulder further down the hall. "Just listen for the fussing. It's a good one.."

"I... it is? Oh... well... very good then," David said, politely, and motioned for Wesley to follow him down the corridor.

About halfway down the hall the ruckus was easily heard- and even if it wasn't, the small ring of people outside the door marked it a point of attention anyhow. Though the voices were obviously passionate and heated, no one in the crowd seemed worried or upset, more like amused and waiting in anticipation.

"-No, Hank, this is my field. I'm telling you the damnable piece expanded because it wasn't properly greased. I know you think everything on these damn ships run on tech and stardust- and I bet you can name every flippin' component in here and what it does in your sleep- but I know metal and this-" something thunked heavily on the deck plating to punctuate DiMarco's words "-is beyond stressed and worn! It's a brand new piece, Hank. It doesn't get that way on its own."

"Then it's INFERIOR QUALITY-" the heavily southwestern accented voice boomed back at DiMarco.

"MY TECH'S DON'T DO INFERIOR!" she bellowed back. As the yelling match continued, one of the crewman noticed the science officers and ducked inside for a moment.

"HOLD UP! Watt take over. I don't care how long you two brain each other, just get to the part, replace it and have it properly lubed this time. If it goes out a second time this week I swear to your god's that my foot's meeting the responsible person's colon right quick so help me.." The last utterance was made as Ri stepped out the workshop doorway, trailing the crewman who's pointed Windsor out. She stopped in front of the scientists, took a deep breath and sighed. "What's up brain trust?"

David was grinning ear to ear after listening to the exchange, "Oh no, please don't let me interrupt." He said with a delighted chuckle.

"It's Thursday.." she said with a shrug as i f it explained everything. "There's always fun on Thursdays. Makes the transition into pretend weekend seem real smooth, you know?"

"Like you've ever taken a weekend.." the crewman with her laughed outright.

"Yeah, yeah.. whatever. So you-" Ri pointed to David, "are here for the why? Something broke? Something new? I'd say to flirt, but you brought company and that'd be weird."

David laughed at that, "It certainly would. I'll be sure to come alone when I want to flirt," He replied, then turned a deep shade of red, cleared his throat and plowed right past that subject, "The device that we brought back. That cleaned Gunning's room of all evidence. We need to figure out how to get into it and thought you might be able to help."

"Smooth, boss." Wesley muttered, trying not to smirk.

"Yeah, okay. I don't get asked to break things often.." Ri started to motion towards then inhabited workshop, then down the hall and stopped herself. "No, actually. I'll bring the tools to one of your labs. My gut just said it's a bad idea trying to play with it outside of a clean environment. I'd rather have all your glorious safety crud in place in case it can hurt my folks."

"I agree completely. Wesley and I can go and setup the facilities, and if you can gather your tools we'll await your arrival. I'd be more than happy to assist with carrying tools as well, if you need," David said, perfectly proper.

"Pfftt I can manage, but thanks." She started to turn away, but stopped and leaned back wiith one eye narrowed slightly. "Wez-ley and Wind-zor.. you guys propagating Ws up in the science labs or something? Is there something I should know about?"

"Absolutely not," Wesley replied quickly. "We'll let Winchester, Welch, and Williams know you're coming." He said, spinning on his heel and walking away.

David chuckled and shook his head, "The irony there... is that those are actually members of our science department," He explained. "Perhaps while you're there we'll refer to you as Rianna WiMarco... for your own safety." His smile disappeared, replaced by a serious stare, and he spun around too, to follow Wesley out. There was a moment of snickering heard before the door closed shut behind them.

"And they say that we're weird.." the crewman with Ri sighed.

"Naw, Paul, they say that we're rowdy. There's a difference.."

(to be continued..)


Lt. David Windsor
Science Chief
USS Farragut

Ensign Wesley Scott (PNPC Windsor)

Lt. Rianna DiMarco
Engineering Chief
USS Farragut

Hank and Paul (PNPC minions DiMarco)


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